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Friday, July 13, 2007
Thursday, June 28, 2007
Sunday, May 20, 2007
Saying Good-bye to Fresh Air: What Every Mom Needs

Finally our year in MOPS comes to a close. I have enjoyed exploring the 6 needs a mom has: identity, relationships, growth, perspective, help, and hope. I hope that you have been made more aware of these needs in your own life as well.
I have decided to leave you with a selection of songs that I have enjoyed this year which help me to remember the significance of this years theme.
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
It’s Never to Late to Make a Change for the Better
I was at a birthday party recently where a couple of the moms were talking. One mom mentioned that she was starting her children 11 and 13 on chores. The other mom thought that this was entirely to late to start them out on chores. She already had her 4 and 5 year old doing them daily.
I thought about this conversation again today as I was struggling with my own morning routine that seemed to be failing miserably, or perhaps it was the lack of a routine. As I vacuumed and picked up I thought you know both of those moms were doing the right thing. It is never to late to make a change for the better.
It is never to late to start teaching the importance of family responsibility. It is never to late to set higher standards for obedience. It is never to late to read more to your children. It is never to late to begin good habits for yourself. And, it is never to late to revamp a failing morning routine.
I am reading an organizational book right now that talks about focusing on the 20 percent in life that really matters to you then the rest of the 80 percent will fall into place. The author says to make small changes daily until you are at the place you want to be. If I sit down and map out the things that are important to me, then try to make one change a day towards getting those things accomplished I will find myself on the path to making change for the better.
As I thought of this I realized that no matter how bad today went tomorrow is another day where I can try to do better at the things that matter. Like getting myself and my kids off to a better start with a good morning routine.
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
Growth are you Thriving or Surviving?

I have to admit a lot of the time I really do feel as though I am just surviving. I don't know if it is just this season of life, you know dealing with preschoolers. Or, if it is simply my own personal management style that makes me feel as though I am just surviving. I think that sometimes what I am most of afraid of is that by the time I finally get this mothering thing down it will be all over the kids will be long gone. What I would really like to know and believe is that I am growing somewhere in this whole process and that really I am thriving.
We've become a culture where we are conditioned to look for quick results. We live in the fast lane of life. (Hand me my fast food burger and make it fast!) We want the kids to learn how to put on their clothes not just correctly but quickly! Oh, I see myself falling in line with this culture all to easily.
As I look over my garden though and I watch what God has shown me through nature about growth I see a different picture. Growth comes in seasons. I sometimes only think about growth in my garden around spring time when I can see the new buds on the trees. It is easy to forget about the past seasons of winter, fall, and summer where even though I did not see new blooms the trees and bushes were very much still alive and growing. Did you know it takes a peach tree 3 to 4 years before it begins to bear fruit. Peaches grow on wood from the previous season's growth. Growth builds upon itself and sometimes it can take several seasons before you can actually see results.
I think that God sees growth in my life much the same way taking several seasons and building upon itself. As long as I am continuing to seek nourshiment through daily bible reading and prayer, church involvement and accountability with close friends and family I will ultimately survive and, who knows maybe even thrive.
Monday, February 19, 2007
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